Quotes and a Testimony
“People who succeed in life do not go around settling the score. They do not even keep score. They “run up the score” by doing good to others even when the others don’t deserve it. They give them better than they are given. And as a result, they often bring the other person up to their level instead of being brought down to the level of the other.” -Henry Cloud
"If your interested in primarily how you look to others, you won't find all of what God has for you." -Bill Johnson
“When you remove the fear and love of God, you create the fear and love of everything else.”-Kanye West
“If someone is trying to manipulate, and I know it is wrong, then I won’t feel guilty for saying ‘no.’ Instead I’ll think ‘they’re controlling.’ But if I believe I should keep them happy, I’ll think, ‘I should do what they want.’ The point is, I have the ability to develop new attitudes that won’t allow for guilt manipulation.” -Henry Cloud
After leaving the service and eating lunch on Sunday near Bogota, we spot a young gentleman on crutches. "Excuse me, I noticed you were on crutches, what happened?" He shared through the translator that he had torn a ligament playing soccer back in August. After a couple of prayers he was walking without his crutches and said it was perfect. We shared how to have a relationship with Jesus with him and his family but they said they would do it when they went home. From there, our crew from church went to a place for dessert. We spotted an older woman with a cane there and shared what Jesus just did for the guy in crutches. After she was prayed for, her knee felt perfect and she didn't need the cane. We shared with them that, "Every Colombian knows that Jesus died on the cross but many don't know why" explaining that he did it out of love to take the punishment for what we have done wrong. We then have a choice; to either reject what Jesus did for us or to turn away from what we have done wrong, make Jesus our God, and receive his forgiveness. All four then prayed a salvation prayer. Meanwhile the worker there - a JW by background - is watching with wide eyes with what is occurring in her store. However, customers come in during the salvation prayer so she misses her opportunity. So the crew from church split up and one prays with the worker for salvation while the other prays healing and salvation over the new female customer that walked in. Going to the dessert place is more fun with Jesus! (and it is more fun when they have healthy options for people like me)