
“My conclusion for the church (all of us Christians): We must STOP making worship leaders and thought leaders or influencers or cool people or ‘relevant people’ the most influential people of Christendom. (And yes, that includes people like me.) I’ve been saying for 20 years (and probably seemed quite judgmental by some of my peers) that we are in a dangerous place in the church when people are looking to 20 year old worship leaders as our source of truth. We now have a church culture that learns who God is from singing modern praise songs rather than from the teachings of the Word.“ -John Cooper of Skillet

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Paul Rapley

“Our motivations are birthed in the assumptions of what we believe. Both sons in the Prodigal Son story believed their father to be harsh, which led them down needlessly painful paths. Assume the best of God today. When you don't hear His voice, make decisions based on His character.” -Gabriel Lopez

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Paul Rapley

“Perhaps the greatest deterrent to revival is our satisfaction without it.” -Bill Johnson

“Vision without execution is hallucination...” - Mike Francen

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Paul Rapley

“You get to know a person’s character not by what his opponents are saying about them but by what he is saying about his opponents.” -Miguel Que

"If we are not careful, we will make it about him taking care of us instead of transforming us." - Dan Mohler

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Paul Rapley

“Most Christians do not have fellowship with God; they have fellowship with each other about God.” -Paris Reidhead

“Only the wise can see that their growth lies in their ability to receive instruction.” -Chris Wolfe

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Paul Rapley

“You will not trip into an active, vibrant prayer life. It must become a discipline, not of hardship, but of joy. You get to pray. You get to enjoy the company of your Heavenly Father…. It’s the highest privilege of our lives.” -Chris Wolfe

“If you stay in environments where people don’t recognize your true value, you will only end up shrinking your potential to the size that they can stand.” -Rick Pino

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Paul Rapley

“When I think I am unfairly hated, I try to remember that I am unfairly loved.” -RC Sproul

“Never let anyone recruit you to hate someone who never wronged you.” -Beloved Rey Ji Lin

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Paul Rapley

”Not everything you think is true. Stay humble.” -Daniel Kolenda

“Most of those who constantly flow in miracles and the prophetic believe in training for the supernatural. Most of those who do not flow [in it] believeyou don't need training, that the supernatural manifesting is soley up to God.” -Miguel Que

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Paul Rapley

“I don’t know how someone wouldn’t have a life full of regrets if they didn’t live fully for Jesus…” -Me

“Don’t let people who can only see the problem stop you from becoming the solution.” -Erik Frederickson

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Paul Rapley

"When we only trust ourselves we are only at peace when we are in charge. But when we trust God we are at peace all of the time." -John Paul Jackson

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Paul Rapley

“You raise up wild faith filled lions by treating people according to their prophetic destiny. You raise up tame house cats by treating people according to their problems and past.” -Erik Frederickson

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Paul Rapley

“It becomes easier to feel disconnected in worship when we think the good in our life is due to us. But when we know God’s grace enables us to do what we couldn’t hope to make happen in our strength; worship is the natural response of our heart!” -Me

“Even if you pray away all of the powers of darkness over a city or nation, you still have to equip laborers to go in and occupy that territory. It always comes down to local church activating and sending ordinary people into the harvest in a very practical way.” -Derek Schneider

"When you no longer have anything to prove, you are positioned for promotion." -Jennifer Leclaire

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Paul Rapley

"If your goal in life is to be liked, then you are prepared to compromise on anything at any time and you will achieve nothing." -Joyce Meyer

Spiritual pride and isolating oneself are great ways to set yourself up for spiritual attack. -Me

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Paul Rapley
Good Stuff!

“Your comfort zone is where dreams go to die.” -Erik Frederickson

“Ask yourself what is really important and then have the courage to build your life around the answer.” -Dr Caroline Leaf

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Paul Rapley
A Good Quote...

“If Eve wasn’t content in the Garden of Eden, what makes me think that I will be content if only my circumstances were different. Contentment doesn’t come from perfect circumstances, but fixing our eyes on Jesus and what’s eternal, not on what is temporary.” - floating around facebook from a group called Missional Women

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Paul Rapley

"The longer that those carrying the Truth remain quiet, the longer those carrying lies will have the influence." -Erik Frederickson

"It's idolatry to create a God that is conducive to your comfortability" - Rod Parsley

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Paul Rapley
Quote About Leadership

“Dale Carnegie was a master at identifying potential leaders. Once asked by a reporter how he had managed to hire forty-three millionaires, Carnegie responded that the men had not been millionaires when they started working for him. They had become millionaires as a result. The reporter next wanted to know how he had developed these men to become such valuable leaders. Carnegie replied, “Men are developed the same way gold is mined. Several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold. But you don’t go into the mine looking for dirt,” he added. “You go in looking for the gold.” -John C. Maxwell

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Paul Rapley

“There is a direct correlation with people who are out of control in their lives and their hatred of the word ‘no.’” - Henry Cloud

“‘I don’t need church. I study the Bible for myself.’

That is proof that you don’t actually study the Bible for yourself.” -Floating around Facebook

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Paul Rapley

“The goal of the Church isn’t to do “good church” nor have powerful services. Those things are great but it’s not the goal. The goal of the Church is to equip and deploy an army of passionate God lovers, followers of Jesus Christ who transform culture through the power of the Holy Spirit and unstoppable, undeniable love.” -Reggie Mercado

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Paul Rapley