
“We miss out on so much when we take the adventure we can give ourselves because we know how it will work out... as opposed to His adventure for us that leaves us trusting Him.

We rob ourselves when we settle for the fools gold that we can see instead of what He has for us that we can’t...” -Me

"If your interested in primarily how you look to others, you won't find all of what God has for you." -Bill Johnson

“Sometimes it takes more than one prayer.

Elijah prayed for rain 7x. (1 Kg. 18:42-44)
Elijah prayed for the dead 3x. (1 Kg. 17:21-22)
Jesus prayed for the blind man 2x. (Mk. 8:22-25)” - Miquel Que

“Religion taught me to hide the parts of me that most needed exposure to Presence.” -Damon Thompson

Many think that the essence of the Christian life is to try not to sin instead of first and foremost knowing Jesus.

“When one tries in their own strength to do what is only possible through putting a relationship with Jesus first, they have already gone on the path of the Pharisees.”-Miguel Quem

“If we are not surrendered to the Holy Spirit, we’ll make a Jesus in our own image instead of being transformed into His.” -Joshua Shaw

Paul Rapley