
If we are desiring to bring transformation to culture but have lost our passion for Jesus and souls, are we doing anything more than just trying to create a godless utopia? And when you KNOW God, you know their can’t be utopia (call it heaven) without Him...

“A good leader is one who takes a little more of his share of the blame and a little less of his share of the credit.” -John Maxwell

"The purpose of God being fulfilled is more important than your position [and people celebrating you in your position]." - Damon Thompson

A fun story:

I finish up the service on Sunday outside of Bogota (Colombia) and quick run to the bathroom. As I come out of the bathroom I see two people in wheelchairs leaving still in the wheelchair. I stop this girl in the second one and ask if I can pray for her. Of course, she says yes. She is in a brace and has had cancer for 7 years. It has spread from her breast to her spine causing her a lot of pain and problems. After two prayers, the brace is off, she is out of the wheelchair, the pain is gone, and she feels perfect. As a guy who had cancer in my early 20s, THIS blesses me!

Paul Rapley