
I had a great weekend in Ifugao and Isabela, Philippines. This was one fun highlight, though. My old power bank quit working and I needed to get another one. So I go to the shopping mall in Roxas, Isabela, and as I am looking to buy one, I hear the Holy Spirit tell me to share the Gospel with the worker. So I ask the 5 employees of the shop to come together and ask who needs a healing. They all do - 2 sore throats, a bad back, a headache, and a painful wrist. After a quick prayer for healing, 2 are improved and 3 are the same. I tell them we need to persevere. After the second prayer, most of them are either completely healed or radically improved by the Lord. I start sharing the Gospel with them all, but the worker who was helping me originally needs to help a new customer. So the other four employees pray to repent of what they have done wrong and make Jesus their God but I still missed the first one who the Spirit prompted me to share with. So I go back to her after she is done helping the customer and she too prays to make Jesus her Lord and Savior.

Paul Rapley