Another fun testimony...
I am walking down the street in Manila (Philippines) a couple of days ago and I see these folks sitting at a shrine on a street corner. Immediately, when I looked at the one man, I felt something leap on the inside of me. I knew it was the Holy Spirit. I tried to figure out what God wanted with this man but I didn't hear anything per se. So I dropped off my laundry at my friend's house a block away and then came back. Sometimes I feel bold but sometimes I feel chicken. This was a chicken moment. I felt a little weird going up to them when they were doing something already so I stood near by and played with my phone for a second. The one man noticed me and yelled out to me. I started chatting with them and asked if any of them had any pain or problem in their body. They all did - elbow, back and another problem. They all were improved from the first prayer but not perfect yet. After two prayers for one and 3 for the other two all of the pain left their bodies.
I then shared how every Filipino knows that Jesus died on the cross but many don't know why. It was because we all have done bad things and this keeps us separated from God. But God doesn't wanted us separated. Jesus took the punishment of what we have done wrong to be forgiven. So I ask them if they would like to turn from what they have done wrong and make Jesus their God. They all did and then prayed after me: "Dear Jesus - please forgive me for what I have done wrong. Give me strength to turn away from the bad things I have done. I make you my God." You know you can do this too if you haven't before...