So I'm practically blown away by the awesomeness of the lyrics of Disciple
Into Black
Tomorrow may never come
An everyday possible prophecy
If I’m hated or if I’m adored
I will not question You here with me
This solemn truth I will depend on
That You could never even think of failing
When all others start to fade away (Into Black)
I won’t worry, I know You are with me
When the sky is falling down on me (And turns me back)
I won’t worry, I know You are with me
I have nothing inside this world
But everything that I need’s in You
If for better or if for worse
Always and forever I am Yours
You can’t hold me back now
When it’s all coming down
I know I’ll be brought out
This can’t hold me back much longer
Only You
You were the only one that I could turn to
You were the only one that could ever calm my sea
that seperated me from what you knew I could be, only You
And through it all, I'm Yours alone
I will live and die for You, only
I will die to live for You
You will be the one I will call by name
even when I find myself on either side of pain
You will be the reason for the breath I breath, only You
And through it all, I'm Yours alone
I will live and die for You, only
I will die to live for You
Take this burning heart that burns for You, make it what you want
Break it, mend it, it is Yours alone, for You I will live and die
To see the Bible Verses they come from click here then click song lyrics and manipulate the choose a song button.
If you want to hear the songs...
click here (note: they are a bit on the harder end of the spectrum...) They are tracks 3 & 4.
Lastly, I really like "The Warrior is a Child" by Twila Parris
The whole lyrics are here.
But here's the chorus.
They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
'Cause deep inside this armour
The warrior is a child
Tomorrow may never come
An everyday possible prophecy
If I’m hated or if I’m adored
I will not question You here with me
This solemn truth I will depend on
That You could never even think of failing
When all others start to fade away (Into Black)
I won’t worry, I know You are with me
When the sky is falling down on me (And turns me back)
I won’t worry, I know You are with me
I have nothing inside this world
But everything that I need’s in You
If for better or if for worse
Always and forever I am Yours
You can’t hold me back now
When it’s all coming down
I know I’ll be brought out
This can’t hold me back much longer
Only You
You were the only one that I could turn to
You were the only one that could ever calm my sea
that seperated me from what you knew I could be, only You
And through it all, I'm Yours alone
I will live and die for You, only
I will die to live for You
You will be the one I will call by name
even when I find myself on either side of pain
You will be the reason for the breath I breath, only You
And through it all, I'm Yours alone
I will live and die for You, only
I will die to live for You
Take this burning heart that burns for You, make it what you want
Break it, mend it, it is Yours alone, for You I will live and die
To see the Bible Verses they come from click here then click song lyrics and manipulate the choose a song button.
If you want to hear the songs...
click here (note: they are a bit on the harder end of the spectrum...) They are tracks 3 & 4.
Lastly, I really like "The Warrior is a Child" by Twila Parris
The whole lyrics are here.
But here's the chorus.
They don't know that I go running home when I fall down
They don't know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
'Cause deep inside this armour
The warrior is a child