Doing things for God vs. Him using me

There is CERTAINLY a difference. One leaves me burnt out. The other leaves me invigorated and in awe of Him. The Christian life is one of abiding in God (John 15)and then seeing how He works through me. It is not burning oneself out for God to try to get Him to love me (which He already does). All power and strength come through Him. If I try to do on my own strength and fail, I can be mad at God for how he didn't do what I thought He was supposed to. But the reality is, I took over His job for Him. His work was no longer His work. It was my work. Maybe because of pride that I was the only one that could do it right. Or maybe out of lack of trust that it wouldn't get done if I didn't go for it. But God is bigger than me. He doesn't need my help. It is my PRIVELEGE to be used by Him. This is not to say that I shouldn't do what God would have me do, rather, it is to do my part of what He would have me do, no more, no less. Not burning myself out, but not lazy. Always thankful for the privelege of being used. Always for God's glory and not for self-recognition. This is the way.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.