
I think something that helped me tremendously over the past few years was the lack of stress in my life. The prayers of those around me helped me tremendously to be at peace... and really showed me that there can be calm and complete peace in the middle of a storm. I now have a new understanding of what the author of Hebrews meant when he talks of entering God's rest.

I am also very thankful that I was in a position where I didn't have to take on any responsibility. I feel badly for some of the people at the hospital who are trying to work and/or take care of kids while going through chemo. I sure hope those people have someone who can help them with some of their responsibilities...

I think the story of Peter trying to walk on the water really helped me out. When trying to believe for big things, it is crucial for me to keep my eyes on Jesus. If I start looking at the situation, I sink very quick. But while I keep looking at Jesus it is astounding what can happen.