Victory Over the Darkness
Victory Over the Darkness by Neil T. Anderson has to be one of the best books out there. I wish everyone read this book. Here are some excerpts from Chapter 7 entitled "You can't live beyond what you believe," - what a great title.
"Your Christian walk is the direct result of what you believe about God and yourself. if your faith is off, your walk will be off."
"Some Christians believe that walking by faith means being carried along by a mysterious, ethereal, indescribable inner sense called faith - kind of like "the force,"... Walking by faith simply means that you function in daily life on the basis of what you believe. In fact, you are already walking by faith; you can't not walk by faith. Your belief system determines your behavior. IF YOUR BEHAVIOR IS OFF IN A CERTAIN AREA, YOU NEED TO CORRECT YOUR BELIEF IN THAT AREA BECAUSE YOUR MISBEHAVIOR IS A RESULT OF YOUR MISBELIEF."
"When your activity in a relationship or a project results in feelings of anger, it's usually because someone or something has blocked your goal in that endeavor. Any goal which can be blocked by forces you can't control (other than God) is not a healthy goal, because your success in that arena is out of your hands. A wife and mother may say, "My goal in life is to have a loving, harmonious, happy family." Who can block that goal? Every person in her family can block her goal. Not only can, they will!"
He goes on to say that anxiety signals an uncertain goal and depression usually signifies an impossible goal.
What a good book!!!! I need to reread it.
"Your Christian walk is the direct result of what you believe about God and yourself. if your faith is off, your walk will be off."
"Some Christians believe that walking by faith means being carried along by a mysterious, ethereal, indescribable inner sense called faith - kind of like "the force,"... Walking by faith simply means that you function in daily life on the basis of what you believe. In fact, you are already walking by faith; you can't not walk by faith. Your belief system determines your behavior. IF YOUR BEHAVIOR IS OFF IN A CERTAIN AREA, YOU NEED TO CORRECT YOUR BELIEF IN THAT AREA BECAUSE YOUR MISBEHAVIOR IS A RESULT OF YOUR MISBELIEF."
"When your activity in a relationship or a project results in feelings of anger, it's usually because someone or something has blocked your goal in that endeavor. Any goal which can be blocked by forces you can't control (other than God) is not a healthy goal, because your success in that arena is out of your hands. A wife and mother may say, "My goal in life is to have a loving, harmonious, happy family." Who can block that goal? Every person in her family can block her goal. Not only can, they will!"
He goes on to say that anxiety signals an uncertain goal and depression usually signifies an impossible goal.
What a good book!!!! I need to reread it.