
I sent out an email updating on health. Here it is.
I could use some prayers. I missed my first chemo (out of 8, I had been borderline twice so far) due to low white blood cell/neutraphil counts so pray that that goes up. Also pray I do not get sick as the counts dropped to below the point that my body could fight a fever or whatever off. I would have to be hospitalized. My chemo has been pushed back to this Friday. Neither my mom nor I realized what the clear plan was from my oncologist. Her plan is that if I am cancer free on my pet scan (pushed back to the 17th) that I would finish out chemo as planned. However, if I wasn’t, I would do a bone marrow transplant (take out my bone marrow, take chemo that is much more toxic then what I am currently taking – I believe 5 times more toxic – and then reinsert my bone marrow). From what I have been reading the intensive care unit becomes the home for patients, and spend weeks or months hospitalized. As you can probably guess, I am not wild about this idea, and would probably get a second opinion before going for it. But pray that it doesn’t become an issue! Pray for the following: that I am cancer free by my pet scan, that any remaining cancer cells do not become resistent to the chemo, that my white blood cell and neutraphil counts improved, that I don’t get sick, for my 8th chemo to go well, wisdom for everyone involved in my medical situation, and for God’s hand all over the whole health situation.
Thank you very much for your prayers,