And now things look a bit better
Here is my message I emailed some people.
Here is my next update. On Monday the chemo nurse read me the flow chart for my medical treatment. It would be to do a pet scan on the week of December 13th. If I was cancer free, I would finish out the remaining chemo to make sure every last cancer cell was/is dead, and be done. If not I would finish up my remaining chemo and my oncologist would plan for me to do an autologous bone marrow transplant upon completion of the twelfth chemo (some time in the first few months of the new year). After communicating with the oncologist, she took our desire to find out what was and wasn’t scartissue to mean, do the pet scan a month earlier to find out, even though my chances of being cancer free at this point wouldn’t be as good. So we had a bit of a misunderstanding (my guess is she wouldn’t have moved it up and would have tried to disagree with us on that except that since I had refused chemo for two years and ten months, so she wants to do exactly what we want). Since she just finished going to a large seminar on Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, my oncologist thinks that bone marrow transplants have the best chance for long term success, over radiation or a different chemo, if the person is otherwise healthy. So pray that I am cancer-free by January so that these other options aren’t options.
There is one other piece of news. After my oncologist had an analysis run of the comparison of the ct scans it showed a 75% shrinkage by volume (we were eyeballing it at about 70%) of the mass in my chest, and she is quite pleased with how well it is going. No one knows what the percentage of cancer cells is of the 25%, but it is known that there is a decent amount of scartissue. This is not surprising as I was diagnosed with the nodular sclerosis type of Hodgkin’s.
So my prayer requests now are: that I am cancer free by my pet scan in January, that any remaining cancer cells do not become resistent to the chemo, that my white blood cell and neutraphil counts improved, that I don’t get sick, for my 8th chemo to go well, wisdom for everyone involved in my medical situation, for III John 2 ( 2Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well) to be happening in my life, and for God’s hand all over the whole health situation (basically, the same list as before).
Thanks for your prayers,
Here is my next update. On Monday the chemo nurse read me the flow chart for my medical treatment. It would be to do a pet scan on the week of December 13th. If I was cancer free, I would finish out the remaining chemo to make sure every last cancer cell was/is dead, and be done. If not I would finish up my remaining chemo and my oncologist would plan for me to do an autologous bone marrow transplant upon completion of the twelfth chemo (some time in the first few months of the new year). After communicating with the oncologist, she took our desire to find out what was and wasn’t scartissue to mean, do the pet scan a month earlier to find out, even though my chances of being cancer free at this point wouldn’t be as good. So we had a bit of a misunderstanding (my guess is she wouldn’t have moved it up and would have tried to disagree with us on that except that since I had refused chemo for two years and ten months, so she wants to do exactly what we want). Since she just finished going to a large seminar on Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, my oncologist thinks that bone marrow transplants have the best chance for long term success, over radiation or a different chemo, if the person is otherwise healthy. So pray that I am cancer-free by January so that these other options aren’t options.
There is one other piece of news. After my oncologist had an analysis run of the comparison of the ct scans it showed a 75% shrinkage by volume (we were eyeballing it at about 70%) of the mass in my chest, and she is quite pleased with how well it is going. No one knows what the percentage of cancer cells is of the 25%, but it is known that there is a decent amount of scartissue. This is not surprising as I was diagnosed with the nodular sclerosis type of Hodgkin’s.
So my prayer requests now are: that I am cancer free by my pet scan in January, that any remaining cancer cells do not become resistent to the chemo, that my white blood cell and neutraphil counts improved, that I don’t get sick, for my 8th chemo to go well, wisdom for everyone involved in my medical situation, for III John 2 ( 2Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well) to be happening in my life, and for God’s hand all over the whole health situation (basically, the same list as before).
Thanks for your prayers,