“Man promotes by the height of the tree. God promotes by the depth of the roots.” - Gabriel Lopez
“One time, God gave me a dream where I was preaching and people were thirsty for how God was about to move in healing. I said, ‘We don’t need to prove how good of sponges we are, but how good of water He is.’” - Jesse Cupp
“If Eve wasn’t content in the garden, what makes me think that I would be content if only my circumstances were different. Contentment doesn’t come from perfect circumstances but from fixing our eyes on Jesus and what’s eternal.” -missionalwomen.com
“When you’ve learned to have mercy and hope for a persons future, over just judging where they are now...you’ve learned great maturity.” - Ben Fitzgerald
“I rather deal with people who are on fire for God who can be behaving strangely but open for correction than to deal with people who behave normal but have no fire and refuse to be corrected.” -Jeff Yuen
“Your triggers are your responsibility. It isn’t the world’s job to tip-toe around you.” -anonymous
“The extent to which two people in a relationship can bring up and resolve issues is a critical marker of the soundness of the relationship.” -Henry Cloud
“When your not used to confidence, confidence looks like arrogance. When your used to being passive, assertiveness feels like aggression. When your not used to getting your needs met, prioritizing yourself feels like selfishness. Your comfort zone is not a good benchmark.” -Dr. Vassilia