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“If we get offended by people in the body of Christ not doing as much as (or what) we are, we may tend to plateau or even regress spiritually. Promotion is from God. He doesn’t seem to like to promote that kind of spiritual pride.” -Me

I think spiritual growth is greatly helped when our hunger for what we haven’t yet experienced is greater than our complacency for what we have.” -Me

“Getting impressed with what God has given to you (gifts, possessions, etc.) is a poor substitute for getting impressed with God.” -Me

“If the filter for your future is based on the experience of your past you will always position yourself to receive less than what God has for you.” -Erik Frederickson

“Releasing encounters without sharing the Gospel connects people to us instead of the One who touched them! We need both.” -Me

“It’s ironic that-

Some of the most beautiful people think they are not pretty enough.

Some of the most loved people think they are the most rejected.

Some of the most God fearing people think they are not holy enough.

It really has to do with reknewing the mind.” -Miguel Que

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not.” -Sean Sams

“I’d rather stand with God and be condemned by the world than stand with the world and be condemned by God.” -Denzel Washington

“A tongue that loves to gossip reveals a heart that isn’t healed.” -Erik Frederickson

“Every time you listen to fear, your world gets smaller.” -Henry Cloud

“I told myself every Sunday at church is a party and I didn’t want to miss out.” -David Laguna (my Translater in Guatemala)

“When we have a higher value for our feelings than we do the truth, we make ourselves a target for deception.” -Erik Frederickson

“When someone is burning for God we can...

𝗔. Get jealous and and tell them they are in their honeymoon period and need to grow in wisdom.

𝗕. Find areas of their life they are not doing perfect in and tear them down in our mind to make ourselves feel better.

𝗖. Act like an orphan by talking down about them to others.

𝗗. Let their fire make you hungry for more. Remember God’s nature, that He is no respecter of persons. If you come to Him, He will give you the same kind of passion and intimacy He is giving to them!” -Ben Fitzgerald

"Christians who are focused on the harvest don't really have much time to worry about a rapture." -Cal Pierce

Paul Rapley