For you to think about...
“When you want the reward without doing the work, you make yourself a target for the poisonous mentality of entitlement.” -Erik Frederickson
“Anyone that really wants the truth ends up at Jesus.” ~Johnny Cash
“Early church trials/persecutions/etc.
Crucifixion, cat o’ 9 tails, 39 lashes, beaten with rods, sawed in 2, confiscation of property, tortured, crucified upside down, boiled in oil, etc.
American church trials/persecutions/signs of the times
Government overreach in pushing vaccine, fake news, boss making me where a mask, don’t like how politics has been in the country, etc.
First of all, I don’t like either list and don’t want either. Second, I think it is safe to say we are more than a bit soft and are clueless as to how good God has blessed us. Maybe some gratitude to Him is in order??” -Me
“Criticism often turns to compassion when we heart their stories.” -Erik Frederickson
“The other 11 disciples did not stop believing in Jesus due to the actions of Judas. If the actions of others wreck your faith, then you have to ask yourself, “was my faith in God or in people?” -Shane Pruitt