
“There is not one recorded healing in the Bible that occurred through someone praying in their head. There also is not one recorded prayer for healing in the Bible that includes the word “ask.” Nobody ministering healing in the Bible asks, begs, or pleads with God to heal the sick person. Perhaps if one is not seeing the results they want to in prayer, they should change their method of praying!”

If what you are doing in ministry is not rooted in love for God and others, it can easily just shift in to trying to use God in order to perform spiritually for others love and acceptance.


Where a person is trying to create an identity for themselves, is likely where they will start performing for others. Gifts flow best through love for others, not through performing for them!


The Pharisees major problem was that they were rules oriented rather than relationship oriented.  The Pharisees thought to follow rules in order to find God.  Jesus, though, constantly tried to get them to find life in Him rather than through strict adherence to rules.  This same issue still is prevelant in the church today.  So many think that the essence of the Christian walk is to try not to sin instead of knowing Jesus.  When one tries in their own strength to do what is only possible through putting relationship with Jesus first, they have already gone on the path of the Pharisees.   Jesus is after us finding life in Him, and, from that place, we can’t help but want to follow the parameters He has laid out to have a healthy relationship with Him.  Our heart is already turned in love towards our Lord and friend.  Jesus had a very low value for making the essence of Christianity working hard to follow rules and a very high value for relationship being first and foremost!

Jordan Dahlquist