Different Thoughts and a Cancer Healing
People who feel entitled without being willing to sacrifice or do something with excellence likely will be a bit disappointed…
I don’t want to try to control something in my own efforts to make it happen when God wants me to believe him for it! Some things are better off left impossible in my mind where I need to simply trust/depend on the Savior (and take risk)!
I think there are a whole lot of people who want their dreams, but not as many that are willing to truly sacrifice whatever it takes to see it happen. That is why I think it really helps to have a dream compelled by love. Because we will sacrifice to do things out of love for others that we would not do if it was just about us. So I’m here to encourage you to not be afraid to sacrifice when needed to see the change you want to see happen in the world. It is worth it!
Getting frustrated with God due to lack of personal transformation while not having vulnerable, transparent relationships with those that are healthy (obviously including Him!) is a bit like getting frustrated at God for not having a blizzard while living in Florida. Sure, God could sovereignly cause one to happen – and it may have even happened once or twice before – but it just isn’t the way He commonly works. Things work better doing them his way than trying to get him to do them the way we think they should be done.
It is misguided when people say that it must be God’s will for them to not be whole when they only try to get him to do things the way they think it should happen… God’s will does not equal current life experiences. Many times God is looking for people to become the answer rather than just pray for an answer… But that is going to have to include having healthy, transparent relationships with healthy others (obviously including Him!!).
Revelation without connection leads to a disconnect (from what one knows in their heads to what they live out). Because God never intended what he shared to sons who are abiding to be attempted to be lived out by orphans who are striving!
When a Christian shifts from sin focus to God focus is when they will begin to experience victory against sin. Because victory and empowerment is found through someOne not by trying to avoid some thing. The essence of Christianity is not sin management but connection to God and others and kingdom advancement.
And here is a cancer healing that just happened in Tijuana! The woman went to her doctor and was cancer-free. She was in a 3 month period where she was taking a break from treatment. Before that, her scans and showed incurable lymphoma! God is good!