
We were never meant to limit God to what we have seen him do before. Rather, any gifting that He has done through us is also an opportunity to recognize that it was Him - and that if he could do through us what He just did, that He can be trusted for much more. If we internalize gifts too much, we can focus more on them than on the One who worked through us. Perhaps those that get the most done in the kingdom are those that can trust Him for the most! There is a simplicity in child-like trust and having Him be the source and simply loving others rather than making man the source and trying to control and command in order to get agendas (even good or Holy Ghost annointed agendas) to try to come to pass. Obviously, trust is only going to grow through spending substantial time in relationship with the one that we are learning to trust. Also, it will occur through having a healthier relationship through removing wrong mindsets about who they really are...

And some quotes:
"[The Apostle] Paul is saying that to manifest the gifts of the Spirit without love is to seperate the gift from the Divine Giver." -Howard Ervin Spirit Baptism p. 120

"Divine initiative always courts a human response. Nonetheless the assumption is often made that the Christian is not to seek the manifestations [gifts] of the Spirit. It is frequently phrased something like this: 'If God wants me to have them, He will give them to me.' On the surface this affirmation sounds convincingly pious... [However,] There is a rather obvious error in the tacit assumption that graces acts irresistably upon the passive, even indifferent child of God... There is a divine/human synergism. The divine initiative does not function by arbitrary decree... God's gifts are for those who eagerly desire them or else Paul's words are meaningless (e.g. 'desire earnestly spiritual gifts')." -Ervin p. 132