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"There are many people who call themselves leaders but are really just puppets of the masses. Their strings are pulled by popular opinion as they search for the path of least resistance. Their goal is to make decisions that please as many people as possible. But what they refuse to understand is that when you fear the people, you are not leading them; they are leading you. It is important to understand that the organizations we are called to lead can become idols, something we bow down to instead of serve and lead. Jack Taylor puts it this way, 'An idol is something you have to check with before you say yes to God.'" - Kris Vallotton Heavy Rain p. 119-120
"Men don't follow titles. They follow courage!" -William Wallace in Braveheart
"Until we have something to die for, we really never live. Jesus put it best: 'For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses His life for my sake will find it.' Everyone's life is terminal! We are all going to die; we just don't know when. The real question is, will we really ever live? I am not talking about taking up space and sucking up air; I mean really living, making a difference, pushing past our fear and taking hold of our destiny. Until we deal with death, we don't really ever live."-KV HR p.121
"The dogs of doom often stand at the doors o our destiny. They start barking when we are about to cross the threshold of our God-given purpose. Most people never fully enter into their promised land because they allow fear to dictate the boundaries of their future. They reduce their lives to accommodate the dogs and mistake the silence for peace. For example, if you are afraid to fly, so you never get on a plane, you won't feel scared because you have scaled back your life to silence the dogs. You may think you are absolutely tranquil, but the truth is that you are still full of fear. Subconsciously, you know that flying will awaken the sleeping monster, and he will torment you until you slay him or obey him." KV HR p.127
"The obvious point here is that true humility isn't feeling bad about yourself or thinking you are little, insignificant or anything else demeaning. True humility begins with remembering the source of your greatness... Humility is not only compatile wih greatness; it is the process of significance. We see this clearly in Jesus' statement: 'whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted' (Mt. 23:12). According to Christ, the act of humility is the pathway to promotion. Jesus was not criticizing the desire for greatness; He was encouraging it by showing how to attain it." KV HR p. 140-141 italics are the author's.
"There are lots of leaders who think they re empowering their people when they are actually just absent. Empowering others and being absent from them are not the same thing! A father who rarely comes home would never be mistaken for being an empowering presence in his household. A leader who hardly ever comes out of his office or seldom interacts with this team is like a father who never comes home. He may think that he is being empowering by removing the negative element of control from the culture. But people don't necessarily feel powerful just because nobody is resisting them. More often than not, their leader's absence leaves them feeling lost, abandoned and unsure of what they are supposed to be doing. Empowering leaders have a proactive, not inactive, ability. They do not simply remove the controlling dynamics; they establish positive elements of communication, encouragement, direction, praise, and cooperation. Incidentally, absent leaders can be just as controlling as leaders that get into everyone else's business. We most often think of controlling leaders as micromanagers or angry people who rule through fear and intimidation. Actually, one of the most common ways to control people is to withdraw and withhold information... Jesus equated slavery with withholding information [see John 15:15]." -KV 143-144
"Empowering leaders make decisions with people, not just for people. When we withhold information from our people or tell them just what they need to know to get their job done, we produce slave camps in which one person does all the thinking. This is religion on steroids. Religion wants to tame people, to domesticate the masses and get them to keep the rules. But new ideas are never discovered behind the iron bars of the zoo." KV p. 145
"Men don't follow titles. They follow courage!" -William Wallace in Braveheart
"Until we have something to die for, we really never live. Jesus put it best: 'For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses His life for my sake will find it.' Everyone's life is terminal! We are all going to die; we just don't know when. The real question is, will we really ever live? I am not talking about taking up space and sucking up air; I mean really living, making a difference, pushing past our fear and taking hold of our destiny. Until we deal with death, we don't really ever live."-KV HR p.121
"The dogs of doom often stand at the doors o our destiny. They start barking when we are about to cross the threshold of our God-given purpose. Most people never fully enter into their promised land because they allow fear to dictate the boundaries of their future. They reduce their lives to accommodate the dogs and mistake the silence for peace. For example, if you are afraid to fly, so you never get on a plane, you won't feel scared because you have scaled back your life to silence the dogs. You may think you are absolutely tranquil, but the truth is that you are still full of fear. Subconsciously, you know that flying will awaken the sleeping monster, and he will torment you until you slay him or obey him." KV HR p.127
"The obvious point here is that true humility isn't feeling bad about yourself or thinking you are little, insignificant or anything else demeaning. True humility begins with remembering the source of your greatness... Humility is not only compatile wih greatness; it is the process of significance. We see this clearly in Jesus' statement: 'whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted' (Mt. 23:12). According to Christ, the act of humility is the pathway to promotion. Jesus was not criticizing the desire for greatness; He was encouraging it by showing how to attain it." KV HR p. 140-141 italics are the author's.
"There are lots of leaders who think they re empowering their people when they are actually just absent. Empowering others and being absent from them are not the same thing! A father who rarely comes home would never be mistaken for being an empowering presence in his household. A leader who hardly ever comes out of his office or seldom interacts with this team is like a father who never comes home. He may think that he is being empowering by removing the negative element of control from the culture. But people don't necessarily feel powerful just because nobody is resisting them. More often than not, their leader's absence leaves them feeling lost, abandoned and unsure of what they are supposed to be doing. Empowering leaders have a proactive, not inactive, ability. They do not simply remove the controlling dynamics; they establish positive elements of communication, encouragement, direction, praise, and cooperation. Incidentally, absent leaders can be just as controlling as leaders that get into everyone else's business. We most often think of controlling leaders as micromanagers or angry people who rule through fear and intimidation. Actually, one of the most common ways to control people is to withdraw and withhold information... Jesus equated slavery with withholding information [see John 15:15]." -KV 143-144
"Empowering leaders make decisions with people, not just for people. When we withhold information from our people or tell them just what they need to know to get their job done, we produce slave camps in which one person does all the thinking. This is religion on steroids. Religion wants to tame people, to domesticate the masses and get them to keep the rules. But new ideas are never discovered behind the iron bars of the zoo." KV p. 145