Watch the Revival
"Even though I have said it many times, I can still truly say that the Lords presence has been overwhelming as we cry out in extended times of worship before the throne of our King. It has been very difficult to get off the floor during these times of worship and the miracles are outstanding. In just five days, we heard testimonies from more than 32 individuals that got out of wheelchairs! Tumors and deaf ears are healed nightly. Sometimes there are hundreds in line to give their testimony. The crowds continue to grow as guests come from all over the world. We expect 20,000 people to attend the meetings this weekend alone. God continues to pour out his glory in an awesome way." -Todd Bentley -
From the Florida revival. Here's a good message on healing. At the end of the hour it is really sweet to see the process of numerous deaf ears being opened. This page might get changed to tomorrow's message tomorrow, though, but I'm sure that message will be good too.
From the Florida revival. Here's a good message on healing. At the end of the hour it is really sweet to see the process of numerous deaf ears being opened. This page might get changed to tomorrow's message tomorrow, though, but I'm sure that message will be good too.