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The greatest building has yet to be erected. The greatest invention yet to be patented. The greatest song has yet to be composed, the greatest book yet to be written. The most profound thought has yet to be perceived, the most amazing theory yet to be proven. The most beautiful poem has yet to be penned, the most powerful sermon yet to be preached. The largest church has yet to be known. The grandest victory has yet to be realized. The greatest wealth has yet to be accumulated. The largest offering yet to be given. The greatest day has yet to dawn.
The grand illusion has been painted. Scores have purchased anothers idea of success. What is the 'grand illusion'? - "Its all been done, we have it all, it's not possible." Mediocrity, passivity, status quo, and average stand and curse the limitless potential and destiny of those who would dare to soar.
Some say: 'Take it easy'. I say: 'Take a chance'. Some say: 'Take care'. I say: 'Take charge'. Some look to 'retire'. I say 'refire'. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the conquering of it. When you dare to attack it, fear will then loosen its grip on you. Opportunity does not come to those who wait, rather it comes to those who attack. Those who risk nothing gain nothing.
The richest place on the planet is not the diamond mines of South Africa, nor the oil fields of Kuwait. The richest place on the planet is the cemetery. In the cemetery we bury inventions never produced, ideas and dreams that never became reality, and hopes and aspirations that were never pursued.
Many take to the grave the most vibrant and explosive resource the world could ever know — God given dreams and visions. IT'S TIME TO DREAM AGAIN! The poorest man is not the one without a penny, but he who is without a dream.
People today poison the daring young mind with toxic thoughts of timidity and failure. They spew venomous criticism that says "settle down and be like everyone else." God says "Rise up and take a stand. Dream big enough to challenge your faith." Dream big enough for God to fit into your dreams. I am not talking about being weird, I am talking about being unique. There is a difference.
The only limitations we have are the size of our dreams and the degree of our determination. Who is the man who can determine what is impossible? For the dreams of yesterday are the hope of today — the reality of our tomorrow. Every great achievement commanding honor in the annals of the world, began as a dream. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.
Many today disengage when just on the horizon, lies a glimpse of the victory. Weary from the journey, an attitude begins to weave its web that says: "No matter what happens the rest of the way, this voyage has been a success." Satisfied with present attainments, they hope to coast into the finale.
A dear friend of mine once posed this thought to me: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why they call it - the present". Take advantage of the present. Seize today. The best way to predict the future - CREATE IT! Do it today. Someday is not a day of the week.
The past is our teacher, the present our opportunity, and the future is our friend. People relish the past. At the turn of the century the impact of the great Welsh and Azusa street revivals swept across the world. In the 40's and 50's a healing revival caused huge tents and auditoriums to be filled to capacity. Today people long for the return of the old. We are chained to the past, too often limited to barriers and borders of our forefathers. Let us learn from the past, at the same time avoid being bound to it. God says: 'Behold, I will do a new thing'. (Is. 43: 18)
- Mike Francen
His ministry goals aren't exactly bad... anyone shooting for one million salvations and one thousand church plants per year amongst other things isn't exactly passive...
The grand illusion has been painted. Scores have purchased anothers idea of success. What is the 'grand illusion'? - "Its all been done, we have it all, it's not possible." Mediocrity, passivity, status quo, and average stand and curse the limitless potential and destiny of those who would dare to soar.
Some say: 'Take it easy'. I say: 'Take a chance'. Some say: 'Take care'. I say: 'Take charge'. Some look to 'retire'. I say 'refire'. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the conquering of it. When you dare to attack it, fear will then loosen its grip on you. Opportunity does not come to those who wait, rather it comes to those who attack. Those who risk nothing gain nothing.
The richest place on the planet is not the diamond mines of South Africa, nor the oil fields of Kuwait. The richest place on the planet is the cemetery. In the cemetery we bury inventions never produced, ideas and dreams that never became reality, and hopes and aspirations that were never pursued.
Many take to the grave the most vibrant and explosive resource the world could ever know — God given dreams and visions. IT'S TIME TO DREAM AGAIN! The poorest man is not the one without a penny, but he who is without a dream.
People today poison the daring young mind with toxic thoughts of timidity and failure. They spew venomous criticism that says "settle down and be like everyone else." God says "Rise up and take a stand. Dream big enough to challenge your faith." Dream big enough for God to fit into your dreams. I am not talking about being weird, I am talking about being unique. There is a difference.
The only limitations we have are the size of our dreams and the degree of our determination. Who is the man who can determine what is impossible? For the dreams of yesterday are the hope of today — the reality of our tomorrow. Every great achievement commanding honor in the annals of the world, began as a dream. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.
Many today disengage when just on the horizon, lies a glimpse of the victory. Weary from the journey, an attitude begins to weave its web that says: "No matter what happens the rest of the way, this voyage has been a success." Satisfied with present attainments, they hope to coast into the finale.
A dear friend of mine once posed this thought to me: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why they call it - the present". Take advantage of the present. Seize today. The best way to predict the future - CREATE IT! Do it today. Someday is not a day of the week.
The past is our teacher, the present our opportunity, and the future is our friend. People relish the past. At the turn of the century the impact of the great Welsh and Azusa street revivals swept across the world. In the 40's and 50's a healing revival caused huge tents and auditoriums to be filled to capacity. Today people long for the return of the old. We are chained to the past, too often limited to barriers and borders of our forefathers. Let us learn from the past, at the same time avoid being bound to it. God says: 'Behold, I will do a new thing'. (Is. 43: 18)
- Mike Francen
His ministry goals aren't exactly bad... anyone shooting for one million salvations and one thousand church plants per year amongst other things isn't exactly passive...