My current thought process

Don't know what its worthwhile or even if I'll agree with what I wrote in two weeks but figured I'd write this out at least. And maybe it doesn't apply to anyone else but is just what's on my mind temporarily...
I think we spend our life thinking we are waiting on God for this or that. I think the reality is quite the opposite. I think God can't wait to overflow His goodness on to us. The problems are multiple. Number one - we can think goodness is to be manifested by giving things that are truly empty but have become idols in our lives. So God could never be good by blessing in those ways - rather those things need to be ripped out of our clinging hands so that we don't live in false security(don't glaze over those last two sentences I'm pretty sure there is something good in there). Number two - true blessing is more of Him. His presence and revelation/ability to walk in the truth are more blessing than anything else. Truly they are the only things that one doesn't look back on and say that they were not let down by them because they didn't really satisfy. This is not to say God doesn't bless financially, relationally, or in an assortment of other ways but these seem to be secondary...

I think prayer has all too often turned into a negotiating or counseling session towards God. I was watching the Part 2 to the Indescribable video (do watch it - it is incredible) and the host was talking about the bigness of the universe but then how the Psalmist records how God holds it in His hands. It really seems the Lord is waiting to let more of Him flow into and through us as we will not become ruined by pride or seek power or use power to cause division, etc. by what He has already done. I don't know that we have to coax or advise God into promoting us. Honestly, I think like any daddy, he'd love to see it occur with His kids. So I think if we just set ourselves about His business of loving others in whatever way helps them in their walk with the Lord, then He'll take care of my business. This is not to say one shouldn't believe for different things to occur, but at the same time, to just walk in His rest, knowing that His Word does not fail and that if his eye is on the sparrow, He is certainly watching over me. It is that moment- by- moment walking in trust of Daddy and pure love towards others (not people-pleasing, fear, manipulating, etc.) that seem to be at the large core of life in the Spirit and both are equally impossible to do on a consistent basis when we walk in the flesh. That is why to live in the Spirit is so contrary to the flesh... But when one is walking in those two is when peace overflows all of life.

Anyway, my point was only that if God could speak and entire galaxies that are incredibly complex were made and spoke again and DNA which is as complicated as a metropolitan city were made, then I'm pretty sure He can take care of my life. The only question we each can ask is, what do I need to have Him grow me in and in what way do I need to yeild to Him so that He can bless and entrust me in a greater way with more of Him?