This came from a buddy of mine. I thought it was really good. So I'm giving it to you all. I'm pretty sure he's cool with me chucking it over here...
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am asking you to unite with me in prayer for the spiritual condition of the American Church; for the spiritual condition of our campus here at Crown.
We live our lives in the midst of an amazing battle- a battle that is fought in the unseen, spiritual realm. As Christians, we often refer to this battle as spiritual warfare, and I believe that the status of battles fought in the unseen world manifest themselves into the seen world. Some may ask why revival seems to be breaking out in certain parts of the world, such as parts of Africa, for example, and not in others. I believe that this is a sufficient explanation as to why that is. In areas where we are seeing open doors to the heavens (where we are seeing many flock to the Lamb and Holy Spirit working), battles are being won by prayer warriors, by God's armies, and we are physically seeing the results.
This campus is a picture of what is happening in the American Church right now. We are settling for luke-warm Christianity, and we are putting God in a box, placing limits on Him. We are singing songs in chapel about giving God our whole lives, when in reality we are keeping a hefty portion for ourselves. We are content with milk, when God is trying to give us meat. We have become for too comfortable, far too religious, far too enslaved as to what others think of us...
In light of this, I am invoking the Lord of the harvest to raise up a prophetic generation of people consumed with the heart of the Father- an army of warriors for Jesus that will conquer the world for Him! What does it mean to be prophetic? Being prophetic is not being one who is some kind of psychic, but rather one who lives to please God; one who is CONSUMED; one who lives in constant intimacy with Him and knows the desires of His heart and the direction in which He is moving. Being prophetic means being one who knows the voice of his or her Daddy...
We need to band together as Christians, becoming one in the Spirit as Jesus prayed we would in John 17, and start taking this world for our Lover. No more apathy! No more man-pleasing! No more religion! Nothing but intimacy with the Father- the skeleton key for unlocking doors in the Spirit and conquering the powers of darkness. In Colossians 4:2-4, Paul says, "Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a DOOR for the WORD, so that we may speak for the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak."
People of God, let's lay aside our lives, pick up our Cross, and thrive off God's holy freedom to start ushering in a new time of global revival, starting right here, and right NOW!
Lord God, wash us with a spirit of burning!!
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am asking you to unite with me in prayer for the spiritual condition of the American Church; for the spiritual condition of our campus here at Crown.
We live our lives in the midst of an amazing battle- a battle that is fought in the unseen, spiritual realm. As Christians, we often refer to this battle as spiritual warfare, and I believe that the status of battles fought in the unseen world manifest themselves into the seen world. Some may ask why revival seems to be breaking out in certain parts of the world, such as parts of Africa, for example, and not in others. I believe that this is a sufficient explanation as to why that is. In areas where we are seeing open doors to the heavens (where we are seeing many flock to the Lamb and Holy Spirit working), battles are being won by prayer warriors, by God's armies, and we are physically seeing the results.
This campus is a picture of what is happening in the American Church right now. We are settling for luke-warm Christianity, and we are putting God in a box, placing limits on Him. We are singing songs in chapel about giving God our whole lives, when in reality we are keeping a hefty portion for ourselves. We are content with milk, when God is trying to give us meat. We have become for too comfortable, far too religious, far too enslaved as to what others think of us...
In light of this, I am invoking the Lord of the harvest to raise up a prophetic generation of people consumed with the heart of the Father- an army of warriors for Jesus that will conquer the world for Him! What does it mean to be prophetic? Being prophetic is not being one who is some kind of psychic, but rather one who lives to please God; one who is CONSUMED; one who lives in constant intimacy with Him and knows the desires of His heart and the direction in which He is moving. Being prophetic means being one who knows the voice of his or her Daddy...
We need to band together as Christians, becoming one in the Spirit as Jesus prayed we would in John 17, and start taking this world for our Lover. No more apathy! No more man-pleasing! No more religion! Nothing but intimacy with the Father- the skeleton key for unlocking doors in the Spirit and conquering the powers of darkness. In Colossians 4:2-4, Paul says, "Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a DOOR for the WORD, so that we may speak for the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak."
People of God, let's lay aside our lives, pick up our Cross, and thrive off God's holy freedom to start ushering in a new time of global revival, starting right here, and right NOW!
Lord God, wash us with a spirit of burning!!