
"...It takes a certain degree of wisdom for you and I to reach such a level (referring to praising God and thankfulness in the midst of troubles). When difficulties burden us, we must struggle to remember our reasons for gratitiude to God. This won't happen if we imprison ourselves within self-pity an preoccupation with loss. It requires the fortitude to open our eyes and see that, whatever seems to have been taken from us, we have received so much more that should move us toward gratitude... We are to 'enter into His gates with thanksgiveing, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name.' (Psalm 100:4) Gratitude is a doorway that admits us into the courts of godliness. Focusing inward on our misery traps us in our own private dungeon, and we lock ourselves away from those richer interiors that provide the healing and wisdom we need. Gratitude is the key... We worship the Lord God with a grateful heart in times of pain and crises." - David Jeremiah, pp. 109-110 A Bend in the Road

Gratitude is the key. It is the way to remain unwavering in times of trial. As long as we walk in gratitude and worship to God, our joy will not be lost, and we will not be moved as we patiently await God's hand! Even if God were to choose to not answer our prayers the way that we want Him to, wouldn't it be a whole better to wait with peace and joy instead of gloom and doom. The key is unwavering hope no matter what we see. Faith and sight are not the same thing. Faith believes for the answer unwavered by sight, while confessing things that are not as though they are.

Praise God! I got another job (well actually an extention of another one).