Synergism of trust, humility, joy, lack of doubt, etc.

So a lot of times it seems I discuss one issue in a post. But I'm convinced a lot of the Christian life is syneristic. It seems like if one chooses to walk in pride, they will be opposed by God (James 4:6). As a result even if they do "trust God" they probably don't see Him work as often as they could because they are opposed by Him. So as a result there is no trust, so instead of their being peace, and joy in the midst of what they are believing for, there is a need to push, control and manipulate the things hoping for into existance. Instead of hoping being in the Lord, hope becomes based off of personal efforts. As a result, this often leads to discouragement because, "apart from God we can do nothing (John 15:5)." Then doubts about God, etc. can take over because things did not happen. The reality is that the believer was out of the will of God (Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, His good, pleasing, and perfect will.") On the opposite end of the spectrum, if we are praying and believing for God to bless for His honor and glory, actively doing what He shows us to do, believing for Him to work, abiding in Him (John 15), viewing Him as the source and not our own efforts (but still working hard on what He shows us to do), I am convinced it will be virtually impossible to not be filled with His peace despite any situation. As a result joy and hope abound in the believers life as they earnestly await seeing God's hand at work reguardless of what the circumstances of their life show.