Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Let's dig in. Basically once we renew our minds through abiding in Him and on His Word, we will THEN know God's will (instead of choosing to dwell on the pattern of this world - negativity and destruction). God's will is revealed to us as we renew our minds (ultimately Him doing that through us as we seek Him (If we seek Him we will find Him, when we seek Him with all our hearts & Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added on to you) and walk in truth (And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free - John 8:32). Too many Christians think God's will is whether they go to college here or there, work this or that job, etc. While those might be included I really am thinking this is talking more about daily life (in fact, I see tons of Christians who are supposedly walking in God's will on these big things, but just by looking at the fruit in their life it shows that while they might be walking in the will of God on that one decision, they are far from it as far as their whole life is concerned). I used to just think that Romans 12:2 meant that if our mind is being renewed and we are abiding in Christ that we will be able to see what God would have us do on different things throughout the day. True. However, the insight that came to me, is more than that. By renewing our mind once we are in the abiding mode, we will see the lies of the enemy that would threaten to pull us out from the shelter of God's annointing. For example, renewing my mind exposes the lie of pride to me when a prideful thought comes. Then I can see that I would no longer be walking in God's will by taking that thought and choosing to dwell on it. So renewing our mind shows us what thought-lies will stop us from continuing to walk in God's will.
O.k. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else. But it made a ton of sense to me as it came to me as I was washing dishes tonight. And I thought it was incredible. I just hope I explained that well enough.
Let's dig in. Basically once we renew our minds through abiding in Him and on His Word, we will THEN know God's will (instead of choosing to dwell on the pattern of this world - negativity and destruction). God's will is revealed to us as we renew our minds (ultimately Him doing that through us as we seek Him (If we seek Him we will find Him, when we seek Him with all our hearts & Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added on to you) and walk in truth (And you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free - John 8:32). Too many Christians think God's will is whether they go to college here or there, work this or that job, etc. While those might be included I really am thinking this is talking more about daily life (in fact, I see tons of Christians who are supposedly walking in God's will on these big things, but just by looking at the fruit in their life it shows that while they might be walking in the will of God on that one decision, they are far from it as far as their whole life is concerned). I used to just think that Romans 12:2 meant that if our mind is being renewed and we are abiding in Christ that we will be able to see what God would have us do on different things throughout the day. True. However, the insight that came to me, is more than that. By renewing our mind once we are in the abiding mode, we will see the lies of the enemy that would threaten to pull us out from the shelter of God's annointing. For example, renewing my mind exposes the lie of pride to me when a prideful thought comes. Then I can see that I would no longer be walking in God's will by taking that thought and choosing to dwell on it. So renewing our mind shows us what thought-lies will stop us from continuing to walk in God's will.
O.k. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else. But it made a ton of sense to me as it came to me as I was washing dishes tonight. And I thought it was incredible. I just hope I explained that well enough.