Breaking out of bondage
I think there is a spiritual and physical part to bondages. Let's delve into this...
Lighthouse (, Neil T. Anderson (freedom in Christ ministries), and others have deliverance ministries that literally take authority over the stronghold, command it to leave in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and renounce it. I have seen in others and personally experienced complete freedom in an area that had been previously a struggle or bondage. This breaks the spiritual part of the bondage. However, there still can be underlying emotional issues. A.A. calls these issues triggers. Things like rejection, fear, loneliness, hurt, etc. If our minds are wired to go to any of the following but not limited to food, alcohol, drugs, unhealthy relationship to another person, porn, gambling, shopping, etc., than even though the spiritual bondage is broken our emotions will naturally remember where it went in the past to find the quick fix medication. So to heal the emotions we need to change the place we go to with pain. First we need to identify it instead of stuff it and detach from it. Then we need to literally take those feeling to God and ask Him for healing. There are two types of prayers. There is the prayer of blaming God and others for the pain. In this case we shouldn't expect and healing to occur, only more pain. But there is praying based off of truth, for example (God, I felt rejected by the way that ____ treated me. But God I know if you are for me, it doesn't matter who is against me. So I give you the situation, thank you for Your love in the matter and ask and thank you for your healing of my emotions. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen). Walking in forgiveness, CONTINUAL forgiveness, rather than blame and rage is essential for healing of emotions.
After a while the triggers no longer become triggers towards the bondage but become triggers toward God. And that is when the bondage loses its emotional aspect.
There is freedom. There is Victory Over the Darkness (what a great title for a book).