1 down 1 to go

Ct Scan is done. Pet Scan is on Tuesday.

I think I got just about my whole brother's family sick with that fever. It lasted 2 or 3 days for me.

My bro is off to college.

And we need some people to join our fantasy football league. It's only been running for 10 years. At least. Now we only have 6 of us. Hmmm, need at least 2 more.

We have eaten a tremendous amount of cucumbers lately. I think we were averaging 20 a day as a family. Considering I was taking out 3/4 of that, that's impressive. That's only possible because of a juicer.

I like the Vikings odds this season. It appears they actually will have a defense this year. Maybe they can keep up with Philly if T.O. and Philly can't get along.
