Medical tests

I did my Echo (heart test) and Pulmonary Function Test (Lung test) today and they went well. I had a little time between the two so I went for a walk and the wet (it snowed last night and was melting now). When I went walking I got asked by a guy if I was from such and such a place. I said I wasn't him, but he asked me for crack anyways. I find the whole thing mildly humerous. I was right in front of the hospital at 9:30 in the morning... can't say I am terribly surprised.

I have my PET scan on Wednesday to see if they can get any better clarity on my chest. Pray that I am and it shows definitively that I am cancer-free.

Also pray for my dad who has been sick since Friday night with sinus issues/cold. Basically, he has slept a whole lot, doesn't sound like himself, and feels like crud. Pray that I don't get sick from him. I am living upstairs (and sometimes at my sister's house), and he lives downstairs. So far, so good, Praise God. He also gets paid by commision so pray that for God's blessing on our finances despite him not being able to work.

Thanks a lot!!!