Mooning Moss
I am sure you have heard about the incident by now - Randy Moss simulated mooning the Packers fans after a touchdown grab to get back at the Packer fans mooning visiting teams busses after every game... I saw what these two had said in the Pionneer Press and liked what they had to say.
Moss's touchdown celebration was immature and obnoxious. But to call it "so disgusting that Fox TV refuses to show a replay" as Tom Powers asserts in his Jan. 10 column, "Figuring out Moss isn't worth the effort," is not only ridiculous hyperbole, but it isn't true.
Fox might not have immediately replayed it, but it was included in the highlight montage the network aired after the game. If Fox executives were truly interested in protecting viewers from disgusting or offensive material during a football game, they would eliminate explicit advertisements.
On a Sunday afternoon, watching a sporting event, it is disgusting that I had to shield the eyes of my 4-year-old Viking fan from the graphic promotion for "24," "Jonny Zero" and a video game about mercenaries.
White Bear Lake
Forget Randy Moss. There is more filth on daytime TV, nighttime network TV and cable than Randy could every think up. Even the boys on after the game come up with some pretty tainted comments.
You can turn on your television and see sex and mayhem any hour of the day. Why pick on a guy who is obviously having a little fun playing football?
If the media would just report the news and quit playing like the National Enquirer, things would be a lot nicer.
Go, Vikings. Go, Randy. We could not do it without you.
St. Paul
Go Vikes! Beat the Eagles.
Moss's touchdown celebration was immature and obnoxious. But to call it "so disgusting that Fox TV refuses to show a replay" as Tom Powers asserts in his Jan. 10 column, "Figuring out Moss isn't worth the effort," is not only ridiculous hyperbole, but it isn't true.
Fox might not have immediately replayed it, but it was included in the highlight montage the network aired after the game. If Fox executives were truly interested in protecting viewers from disgusting or offensive material during a football game, they would eliminate explicit advertisements.
On a Sunday afternoon, watching a sporting event, it is disgusting that I had to shield the eyes of my 4-year-old Viking fan from the graphic promotion for "24," "Jonny Zero" and a video game about mercenaries.
White Bear Lake
Forget Randy Moss. There is more filth on daytime TV, nighttime network TV and cable than Randy could every think up. Even the boys on after the game come up with some pretty tainted comments.
You can turn on your television and see sex and mayhem any hour of the day. Why pick on a guy who is obviously having a little fun playing football?
If the media would just report the news and quit playing like the National Enquirer, things would be a lot nicer.
Go, Vikings. Go, Randy. We could not do it without you.
St. Paul
Go Vikes! Beat the Eagles.