Only Brett Favre Makes That Throw...
My younger brother has a hillarious line... only Brett Favre makes that throw! My brother, a diehard Vikings fan, and hater of the Packers, uses it often when watching football games. Let me explain where he got his line from. We both have grown sick of the television announcers heaping endless praise on certain players, nearly worshiping the ground they walk on. The announcers have a few favorites, Randy Moss, Michael Vick, and, of course, Brett Favre. After hearing Madden say, "Only Brett Favre makes that throw...," over and over on a Monday Night Football game, my brother says it whenever Favre throws an interception, which was a lot yesterday. It is quite hilarious if you ask me.
Hopefully, he will get many opportunities to say that when he is at the Vikings-Packers game on Christmas Eve.
Hopefully, he will get many opportunities to say that when he is at the Vikings-Packers game on Christmas Eve.